Get schooled on how to navigate Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Comedy Central offers us on this solemn day a guide on how to navigate MLK Day. Take a few moments to view this, then reflect on the fact that Donald J. Trump is running for President in 2024 to save his ass from being an "alleged" criminal in pretty much everything he's ever done. Oh, and to become the Dear Leader of a new dawning of the White Supremacy Movement in this country that was built on the enslavement of Black bodies, hearts, and souls, stolen from their homes, and sold as chattel, and treated like animals. Shockingly little progress has been made since his assassination.

So, maybe not the best day to throw a rave or BBQ party, but definitely a day to remind ourselves what MLK actually spoke to; real justice for the oppressed.

PS: Go check out for more on social and civil rights. I know her. She's awesome and gets most of her traffic from MLK-related searches.