#NowPlaying @ Nothing Manor: Donald Fagan - The Nightfly: Live (2021). An extraordinary album already this live rendition does the impossible and makes it an even more astonishing listen. The downside; like the OG, it’s too short so turn on repeat. #music #pop #jazz www.youtube.com/watch

#NowPlaying @ Nothing Manor: Steely Dan - Northeast Corridor: Steely Dan Live (2021). What is there to say but that we’ve gotten precious few live Dan albums (precisely two) and it is, unquestionably, the superior. www.youtube.com/watch

Despite #Google’s claims of superior #spam management, I get a load of spam in #Gmail, and I barely use that. My main email is on #Apple Mail, and I get almost none. For #StValentinesDay I thought I’d share some of the “fun” ones. #internet #tech

#NowPlaying @ Nothing Manor: Dream Theater - Parasomnia (2025). DT’s latest album and my very first listen. There’s some Mindcrime vibe in the opening measures, then it dives into a medley. Strong concept album energy. 20 min. closing track, too. #music #progmetal #prog youtube.com/playlist

Have you heard the news? Fascistic othering is the new #American #Freedom… as in the freedom to forcefully eradicate the freedoms of those you deem sub-human. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, as long as you’re #MAGA. #fascism #racism #oligarchy #opensource www.theverge.com/news/6128…