Dumpster Fire: The Bed!

Despite being deep inside the artificially warmed folds of Holiday Happy-Ganda Season, I had to check the calendar to make sure it wasn't April 1st. If the image above wasn't enough to convince you of the sheer janky-ness of this "concept", check out the lede from the official press release:

A leading platform for fandoms and online communities has partnered with an independent bedmaker to create the ultimate ‘TV Binge Bed’. The ‘TV Binge Bed’ includes self-cleaning sheets, a ‘Netflix and Chill’ setting, and for those who don’t want to leave their bed at all, an optional built-in potty. The expected retail price of the bed is from $14,999 (£11,321). The unique product is being developed after the platform found that the amount of time individuals spend in bed bingeing their favourite shows has increased by almost a third (31%) since 2020*.

- The offending Press Release, 2021. Word for word...

My first question is, what is an "independent" bedmaker and why not name them? And it's not a stretch, knowing the website this is coming from, that 31% of the 1,000 respondents to their survey would want something like this as it was, I am sure, described. And yes, they are asking $15,000 for a product clearly designed by a teen in the throughs of puberty with enough experience in Adobe Photoshop to be dangerous and not enough sense to ask logical questions. Take this line from the body of the presser: 

[REDACTED] is offering the unrivalled bingeing experience with the luxurious four-poster king size bed that also includes a smart 32-inch flat screen TV, built-in surround sound speakers, folding trays, charging points, and places for storing food and ‘private things’.

- Mega Ultra LOLZ0rz

Universal Basic Income in the Post Space Age

I originally wrote this piece in 2017 and am reposting it now because I believe the idea is critically important to the future of humanity and the survival of Earth and humanity. -Ed. 

We should come to grips with the idea as soon as possible. We are, after all, heading for a rather dramatic shift in human thinking. We need to figure out how we humans are going to formulate our societies as soon as we have self-driving vehicles of all stripes, artificial intelligence running everything, smart grids that deliver all manner of clean energy, and robots that deal with all manner of work. We will be living in a version of the dystopian we’ve all seen in movies, but it won’t be quite so dystopian.

It will be a world without work.

Of course, that won’t happen overnight, and the way our future unfolds will come down to what we do as the human race in the next 20–30 years. Believe me, you, that’s not nearly as long as you might think. I turned around yesterday and was rather shocked to discover I’m 49! It seems only yesterday that I was watching Star Trek (well, it actually was yesterday, but that’s not what I’m getting at.) And it’s really Star Trek that forms the core of my ideas around what a world without work would look like.

A World Without Work, Not A World that Doesn’t Work

So, Star Trek. If you go back and watch all of The Next Generation, Deep Space 9, Voyager, the theatrical films, you will… have watched a lot of media… but you will also have noticed something interesting. Every once in a while, there are discussions of money and jobs and values. Well, there’s a lot of talk about values, so mostly the rare bits about money and jobs are the important thing for this discussion, though it dovetails nicely into values.

You see, in the Star Trek future, Earth no longer has jobs or currency. Now, it’s important to note that there is no real discussion about how this arrangement operates (though such a discussion may exist in the books, which I haven’t read), so we really only have the glimmer of a wonderful future where everything is clean and safe and educated and includes space travel and science, and all manner of amazing things.


It’s actually rather simple, which is why it’s surprising that there is no visual Trek canon (cannon?) that covers even the basic details. Now, this is where it gets a bit knotty, because it’s all about democratic socialism, and I mean that in its purest sense. The Trek future of the Federation and most things are really good is because everyone decides that life is best managed when everyone shares in the growth of that civilization.

No Jobs But Stuff Still Gets Done?

From a deeply philosophical place in the minds of people who think for a living comes the idea that people organize, make things, make scientific advances, run restaurants, clean up garbage, create art and music, work in office jobs, manage stuff, and build things big and small because they are good at it and it needs to get done.

Here’s a hint: Take the money out of it.

First, go listen to Yuval Harari over at TED. He’s a fascinating guy and what he has to say makes a load of sense. (If you make it to the end, which I really hope you do, just know that I don’t necessarily agree with his ideas about drugs and video games.)

Now that you’ve done that, do you see it?! I think you do. That’s because money is a wondrous, danger-filled myth that creates the entire scope of power and control in this world, and it only works that way because we let it. This fiction, like so many others we have created over thousands of years, is very, very powerful. Yes, we all believe in money, but it’s not like a religion. It’s more like the air we breathe. And, much like air, if you take money away, we die.

So, we work.

Since money is the core tenet of our global belief in its myth, we must trade our sweat in order to get some. This creates another fiction; power or, if you prefer, control. Those with the most money have the most control and, as we can see today, that control is a very destructive force, so we need to get rid of it, but if we do that, then there’s no more work. Right?

Not exactly. Humans are resourceful and we have a number of inherent traits that guide us towards the sense of safety, contentedness, and fulfillment we all desire. When we are hungry or thirsty, we eat and drink. When we want to explore some new place, we screw up the courage and we set out. When we need to get across a large body of water to find what’s on the other side, we build boats. When we want to get from one continent to another, we build planes. When we want to find out what’s in that inky black over our heads, we build space ships.

We are, as a large group of like beings, insanely inventive and resourceful, and that is the key to a work without work. That former work will become desires, and there will always be people who will want to fill the roles we need to make society operate as a whole. You want a salad bowl? Someone will make one for you our of wood or pottery or glass. You want to design a new kind of space craft to get to Mars? Someone will learn everything it takes to do that for you, if you let them learn how without restriction.

It’s The Values, Stupid

The foundation of our success in a post-work global society will be values. We all need to get on the same page when it comes to how we will organize to produce everything we do now, and more, but without currency being the driving force. That brings us back to Star Trek. How do they do it, in this fictional universe of the future? They just do it. I know that sounds simplistic, but it’s really at the core of this entire argument.

There will always be people willing to do something, anything, to not be stuck at home watching TV or playing video games or taking drugs all day long. In universal basic income studies in more forward thinking countries that ours they are finding that the preponderance of participants who have all of their basic needs met, go out and get a job or volunteer instead of just sitting on their asses. So, yes, it’s true that some people will choose to do nothing, but even the smallest samples have shown that most people cannot.

That is a core value.

The shape of our societies won’t really change all that much. There are those fictions that are quite successful because they work, are inclusive of all people, and don’t rest on the idea that power is the only thing of value in this world. Universal healthcare is one such result, and it is common in most first-world countries on Earth, and even most second-world countries float some kind of healthcare-for-all.

But what do we do with people who make things? That’s also surprisingly easy. Let’s say Julia is an forklift operator at an appliance plant just outside of Riverside, CA. She gets up at 7AM every, Monday through Friday, and heads in to the plant to start her shift at 8:30. She works until Noon, takes lunch with some co-workers at a local sandwich shop, and gets back to work at 1PM to move around more large palettes of sheet metal. She wraps up her day at 5:30 PM, stops at the grocery to pick up her food order, and goes home.

At no point during the day did Julia ever pay anyone for anything and she wasn’t paid a dime for her work. Yet, that evening, she can go on a date with her fiance to a nice restaurant and go see a movie. How is this possible? It is possible through a sharing economy that involves zero money anywhere. Everyone she meets during her day has a nice home to live in, access to all the food they want, and no limitations on the kinds of recreation they can consume. There is no ownership, per se. Yes, Julia “owns” her home, but that’s because she selected the home she wanted to live in and it was available. She can keep the home as long as she likes, or choose to move somewhere else and live there.

No, It’s Not Communism

At its root, Communism is based entirely around money. In the old CCCP (that’s Communist Russia, to you Millennials), the government owned everything and “evenly” distributed it to the citizens. The reality was that there was no equality and there was an enormous amount of paranoia instilled in the populace in the name of control and fear, but that’s beside the point. A world without work where people do what they choose to do, learn as much as they want, and contribute to the betterment of society as a whole is not the same thing.

For our new society, we’d need to get rid of a few things for it to work. Here are some of those things:

  • Homelessness
  • Inequality of all kinds
  • War
  • Famine
  • The lack of access to healthcare for many, many millions
  • Oppression
  • Dictatorships and monarchy
  • Genocide
  • Ethnic cleansing

No, that doesn’t mean that we get rid of homelessness by getting rid of the homeless. We put them in homes. Voila! No more homelessness. Some of the other things will, of course, require more complex solutions, and there’s a lot of work to be done to start moving in this direction, but if we all just believe, we can make it happen.

So, now that I’ve realized I’m starting to ramble and this is my first essay on this new blog, I’m going to wrap it up here. What are some of the things we can start doing now that will lead us in the right direction for a more positive, inclusive, and constructive future where we follow our dreams and can actually have them come true? What are some of the six billion things I left out because I’m a monkey in a tree who only desires a banana?

Let me know, and share this around. It would be nice to see some of the ideas presented here start to infect more people :)

iPhone cases & an important charity for Peruvian children

Where’s the rage? | Pandemic Edition

Sandy Hook gun lawsuit moves forward in Connecticut Supreme Court - CNN

Where is it, the rage? We should all be really, quite upset. Why aren't we marching in the streets, demanding accountability for the endless stream of corruption and criminality that has been unveiled on an almost daily basis for quite a few years? The French? Fuck, they're out in the street if anyone, anywhere sneezes on their rights! The Yellow Vests? You might have heard of them? 

The criminality of all involved is simply astonishing...

Today as I am writing these words... the Nassar child rape case that alleges this one asshole raped potentially hundreds of young gymnasts for decades with the apparent support of the Olympics committee people, U.S. gymnastics, and the Federal Bureau of Investigations. 

What about the January 6th insurrection of the Capitol? Why, when we've seen clear evidence of deeply concerning activity from sitting Federal representatives of American people, are these people still making (or more precisely, stopping) laws? 

How about The Big Lie? The lie, initially floated by Trump, that he won in 2020 and that the Presidency was stolen from him? Really? Larry Elder and the California GOP tried spinning the Big Lie into the recall attempt of state Governor Gavin Newsom that just ended last night in a complete rout. Apparently, Californians are mostly on-board with the mask mandates, Larry. 

Oooh. Here's one. How about the rape kits? How many haven't been processed for 1-20 years? Everyone loves statistics. Here's some about this terrible crime from the Natasha Justice Project:

Sexual Assault in the United States

  • Every 2 minutes, another person is sexually assaulted.
  • 97% of rapists will never spend a day behind bars.
  • 15% of all victims of rape and sexual assault are children under the age of 12.
  • Rapists don’t just strike once. They are often serial criminals, and DNA is the single-most effective rape prevention tool we have.
  • Victims of sexual assault are, according to the World Health Organization, three times more likely to suffer from depression; 13 times more likely to abuse alcohol, 26 times more likely to abuse drugs, and 4 times more likely to contemplate suicide.

The Rape-Kit Backlog

  • The Department of Justice estimates there are about 100,000 rape kits at public crime labs awaiting testing.
  • Media reports suggest there may be as many as 300,000 additional kits sitting in law enforcement storage, awaiting to reach labs for testing (the so-called “hidden backlog”).
  • On average, it currently costs $1,000 to test a single rape kit.
  • Apprehending serial offenders early in their careers can prevent crimes, thereby saving approximately $12.9 billion a year in avoided medical costs, lost wages, and other tangible harms to victims and society.
Backlogged rape kits in property storageJust some of the unprocessed rape kits being stored somewhere... Doing nothing... While more get raped...

Let's go back a few years to the Sandy Hook massacre... yes, massacre. Scroll back to the top of this post and look at the pictures of the victims of Adam Lanza [Source: Wikipedia]. The idea that these children were fabricated in an effort to take away people's guns is patently absurd. The Alt-Right has become obsessed with spinning lies to win since fewer people give a shit about their increasingly terrible ideological stances. Crisis actors? Insane.

List of victims Killed:

  • Perpetrator's mother
    • Nancy Lanza, 52 (shot at home)[32]
  • School personnel
    • Rachel D'Avino, 29, behavior therapist[33]
    • Dawn Hochsprung, 47, principal
    • Anne Marie Murphy, 52, special education teacher[34]
    • Lauren Rousseau, 30, teacher
    • Mary Sherlach, 56, school psychologist
    • Victoria Leigh Soto, 27, teacher
  • Students
    • Charlotte Bacon, 6[35]
    • Daniel Barden, 7
    • Olivia Engel, 6
    • Josephine Gay, 7
    • Dylan Hockley, 6
    • Madeleine Hsu, 6
    • Catherine Hubbard, 6
    • Chase Kowalski, 7
    • Jesse Lewis, 6
    • Ana Márquez-Greene, 6
    • James Mattioli, 6
    • Grace McDonnell, 7
    • Emilie Parker, 6
    • Jack Pinto, 6
    • Noah Pozner, 6
    • Caroline Previdi, 6[36]
    • Jessica Rekos, 6
    • Avielle Richman, 6
    • Benjamin Wheeler, 6
    • Allison Wyatt, 6
  • Perpetrator
    • Adam Lanza, 20 (suicide)


  • Natalie Hammond, 40, lead teacher
  • Deborah Pisani[37]

Just look at those children, all six or seven years old. Imagine what would be going through your mind if you and nineteen of your classmates were all lined up, staring down the barrel of a Bushmaster XM15-E2S assault rifle. Then it points at a friend down the line, perhaps Jessica or Noah. There's an impossibly loud crack, a flash of light, a puff of smoke, and one or more of those friends are lying on the floor, dead, blood pouring out of their tiny bodies. 




Then the barrel points at you. The last sounds you hear are the screams of those who will also be dead soon. Then silence. Step into those shoes, you foul, despicable Sandy Hook deniers. You are the negative drain. You extract and give nothing in return, but I digress...

How much of a monster must you be to understand what happened at Sandy Hook and think to yourself that someone must have concocted the entire tale and spun it up like some fake, made-up Hollywood production to trick gun-toting Americans into giving up their guns? It is utterly in-FUCKING-human to treat these murders as anything but what they were. 


That shouldn't require a lot of brain power to understand. 

Need even more child abuse? When are we going to start getting answers about the Jeffrey Epstein case? What about the very, very long list of very, very important people who have been associated with Epstein and have travelled on his private 727 or ventured to his private island? When do they get questioned

Please, someone tell me, what does it take to get the people in America who have a few brain cells to rub together and don't believe all the lies to stand up for themselves and fight? I'd seriously like to know. I mean, FUCK!! What are we doing here? Are we legit going to give fascists and racists equal standing in America when the only demanding work they've EVER done is figure out how the FUCK to subjugate People of Color and extract as much wealth from the land as possible. 

Five members of the SCOTUS essentially ignored the Constitution through a technicality that allowed Texas to essentially criminalize an enshrined right by doing an end-run around the law. You know, that thing we count on to keep us as safe as we thought we were... before the pandemic and Trump changed everything.If you think things are getting scary in the US, take a look at what's going on in the UK!! Anything, anywhere can give some asshole an idea, so don't think this can't come here. Jesus H., we thought Trump would never be elected, and we've ended up with the slowest, stupidest coup of all time. American Exceptionalism at work! STAND BACK, PEOPLE!!!Just a note, they aren't doing well with the virus, either. 

Look, you can be that American. You know, the one who thinks the world owes you, and that you owe the world nothing in return because, 'MERICA, FUK YEH, but the sad reality is that you've done little, if anything, to make America "Great", like ever. You couldn't be bothered to find your own place and carve it out with your own hands. Instead, you made a bunch of other people do it all for you, you know; the slaves, and that's just pathetic. I hope, however, that you choose a different path, one that involves marching with a load of like-minded peeps and letting our elected state and federal government officials know that we know they aren't doing it right. 

I certainly don't want people to suffer, regardless of the reason (no matter how much I might desire it for some... ahem, people), and that's precisely what we are doing when we don't stop our leaders from doing terrible things as our proxy. We do that in several ways, but some of the most effective are: 

  • Call your CongressPeeps - Get on the phone. Tell them how you feel. Finding the number is easy. Just use this fancy new Internet thingy...
  • You can send them letters, too! - Did you know that, despite being hobbled by Trump appointee Louis DeJoy, the USPS still delivers letters? Try writing one... on paper. 
  • March - If you hear about a protest in your area, head over. Talk to people who seem to know what's going on and ask if it's not obvious. Help out. Work phones as needed. Get your friends and family involved. BE A PART OF SOCIETY. Shockingly, most of that isn't done on the internet, but in person. Also, don't be a Chad or Karen and WEAR A FUCKING MASK
  • Volunteer - Lend a hand to some group or organization that needs a hand. There are loads of homeless shelters and soup kitchens, or if you like tech there are lots of places like Free Geek
  • VOTE - Don't let anyone stop you, any rule silence your voice, any crass attempt to remove your status as an American with the Right to Vote bestowed upon each citizen of this land by our Constitution be quietly stripped from you in the dead of night. Yeah! It says it right in there, too! Words. Aren't they just neato?

If we do nothing, we'll lose this country to those who have no qualms lying, cheating, stealing, killing and raping to get there. Over 650,000 Americans dead from Covid because Trump lied. America in a war with the Taliban for twenty years because Bush lied. I'm sure there are more lies that have been told by more presidents, but I'm exhausted and can't be bothered to look them up. 

In the end, I'm not entirely sure what this post is. I'll post more. Maybe.

PS: Please don't get mad if I left an issue out. There are many. COUNTLESS. I can't remember what I had for breakfast, much less the endless march of atrocities against human lives. Sorry.

Greenland (2020) | Film Review

Good GOD, what a pig. Sure, Gerard Butler was a staple in mid-budget action flicks, but this dumpster fire isn’t one of his better ones, and it’s not going to inject any enthusiasm into prospects for his ongoing career.

BUDGET: $35 million BOX OFFICE: $47.5 million (worldwide)

Directed by Ric Roman Waugh and written by Chris Sparling, this schlocky disaster flick wannabe already instills a sense of dread before you cue it up after seeing that the movie poster proudly proclaims the movie is from “the” producer of the John Wick franchise, The Town, and Clash of The Titans (that monster hit… get it.)

When was the last time you were excited to see the latest film from your favorite producer?

Look, I’ve tried to write a simple summary of the plot, but it doesn’t make any sense. Gerard Butler’s insipid delivery as structural engineer John Garrity fares as well as expected when joined by the phoned in crap from Morena Baccarin (wife Allison) and Scott Glenn (Allison’s father Dale) and the obligatory kid, played by Roger Dale Floyd. There’s nobody else of note in the film. I’m rather surprised that these three agreed to sign on, but such is the lack of quality in Hollywood these days.

The basic rundown is as follows: John and Allison are in a bad way, but it’s not made clear why. We also learn that a comet is going to just barely miss Earth, then some of it’s going to hit, then all of it’s going to hit. That’s when John gets a call from the government that tells him he’s been selected to survive if he can get his family to a nearby military base before the end of the day. A lot of stupid shenanigans ensue, they get separated, and they get back together, and they survive. The end.

Big whoop.

Simply put, it’s a waste of time. The pacing is acceptable, but there are a lot of story elements that just feel slapped on, like generic tropes strung together to approximate an actual story. There’s zero recognizable character development, especially for Gerard Butler’s role. He’s not developed as a real, feeling, engaging, desperate human. His life circumstances bring no stakes. He’s not redeemed in the end. He doesn’t learn any harsh lessons. He’s just an unadorned avatar. The same applies to Baccarin and Glenn’s characters.

Multiple planes in the sky are clearly copy-pasted. The fires in the neighborhoods are way too big. The compositing is sloppy. Shots throughout are amateurish. All of it lacks any real energy, something I’m pretty sure is necessary for a disaster film. Hell, I’d bet real money that the Greenland shots are stock.

The Takeaway: Don’t bother.

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