I'm done with Microsoft Windows

As of May 31st, 2024 when Microsoft announced Windows Recall, I have a single physical machine, and no virtual machines, with any version of Windows installed and that will not be changing as long as Microsoft remains on the path they're forged for themselves. The one machine which has Windows 10 is a Dell Venue 8 Pro which needs a dongle to install another operating system, and I need to find the dongle. Once I find the dongle, Windows is gone, gone, gone. Why would I go through so much trouble getting rid of Windows?

Save The Web: Advanced Dollarnomics

In the first part of this series I started last year, I spoke about the idea of Dollarnomics, describing it in some detail. If you want to get the basics of the concept, then you should go read that first. It’s not a long piece and I’ve linked it below. I do outline a few ideas there, but there needs to be some additional context so that you might fully understand the power that I believe resides both in the $1 bill and in the people who are tired of always being on the bottom of the economy, even if you only have a few million dollars in the bank, an amount that is nowhere near as comforting as it was a decade or two ago.

Broadcom axes VMware ESXi freeware hypervisor

This sucks ass. Known as a bare-metal hypervisor, ESXi is a tiny operating system that allows you to partition a PC into multiple discreet virtual machines without the overhead of a host operating system (i.e., Parallels on macOS). Now, Broadcom is killing it so if you want to use it, you'll need to pay. So much for small home labs. #capitalism #vmware #technology https://tech.slashdot.org/story/24/02/12/1816248/broadcom-ends-support-for-free-esxi-vmware-hypervisor

Saving the Internet for Humanity: Dollarnomics 101

Or not…

The Internet of 2023 sucks.

Every site, every service, every entree and every destination on the modern Web of today is controlled by corporations. Blood and treasure is expended, our personal data and real money is hoovered up to feed bottomless C-suite salaries…

While the World Wide Web may be comprised of an endless cavalcade of corporate entities vying for ultimate control, there remains a much, much larger contingent that has yet to stand up and take it’s own power: we average peeps.

Does our future require Capitalism?

A neighborhood in Mexico City that shows a stark divide between the wealthy and powerful and those who cannot afford to live in a safe, clean place. [SOURCE: BoredomTherapy]

There is an existing dynamic between capitalism and science which fosters a high stakes game of one-upmanship among different corporations and organizations to find the “killer app” and crush the competition. An enormous component of this dynamic is the winner-take-all mentality that is a core tenet of today’s current hyper-capitalism.

Proponents of capitalism claim that it is the market that is the catalyst for the competition that has created all of our advanced technologies and drives our future. Without capitalists being allowed to do whatever they want (ala Ayn Rand) our potential will waste away as we languish in a socialist paradise overflowing with flotillas of content people, no longer interested in competing because there’s no hunger behind that drive to innovate.

This concept causes the rise and fall of entire industries and consumes billions of dollars every single year, raising and dashing the hopes of hundreds of thousands of employees caught in this seemingly never-ending tide of feast or famine. In the meantime, the capitalists who started off as innovators have amassed vast oceans of wealth and owning, year after year, more and more of the artificially finite global cash reserve, while a growing number of people on Earth fall deeper into poverty as available money inexorably moves towards the top.

This, we are told, is what we need because, without it we would all just be filthy apes scrabbling in the dirt for food. We should thank the “job creators” for fostering an environment where the struggle for little slips of paper is real and necessary and the only thing that will drag us out of our neanderthal state and into a glorious future full of bright, shiny technology and prosperity.

On the face of it, that’s rather preposterous. Before money, people competed just fine. With money, people compete just fine. We live next to a baseball field and every Monday night anywhere from 20–40 people show up to play a night of baseball. Nobody pays them. It’s not a formalized league. There is no prize for winning. Yet, people still congregate to share in the sheer joy of competing with each other. You should hear the noise that rises from that field. Those people put their hearts and souls into those games, and for no reward greater than just having tried their best.

What do you think? Can we have functional competition while maintaining a healthy lifestyle for everyone on Earth? If humans invented money, can’t we just invent a better way and still have all the benefits a global society, rich in cultural diversity brings?

Why outrage doesn't matter anymore

Here's the thing. We, as Americans, have lost the ability to lash indignant hellfire at those who violate our collective sensibilities. Cops outright murder Black people almost every day, and we get mad, but nothing changes. Our politicians lie, cheat, steal, and send dick pics to minors, and we get mad, but nothing changes. Companies like Facebook, Google, Uber, the entire oil industry, the entire pharmaceutical industry, the medical establishment sell each of us for $12 a year, tricks hundreds of thousands of people into indentured servitude, skirt the law with impunity, and price gouge with lip-licking voraciousness, and nothing changes. Banks, housing, dialysis, the battle for a living wage, the death of education, the abandonment of the separation of church and state, and much, much more is killing us all every day.

And nothing changes.