Work arounds because Twitter sucks

Since Felon Musk has destroyed Twitter, I'm just going to blog a bit like it's Twitter. I blog on PostHaven, which is a wonderful blogging service you should definitely check out if you hate the Technogarchy, would like to adhere to a reasonable budget, and appreciate actual ethics. Here's a short list of the tools I'm using to achieve something of a social media presence:

Life after the death of Twitter...

So. Elon Musk happened. Kinda fun, I suppose, in an existential threat kinda way. I, however, prefer to keep things a tad less... megalomaniacal? As such, I've decided to migrate out of the "mainstream" and into something more comfortable; Mastodon. Obviously.

Now, I'm testing to make sure posting through IFTTT will work correctly. I blog on PostHaven ( and am terrible at engaging with social media, so this is a necessary element for the exposure of my writings. 


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Give me a break, Twitter: Breaking 140

How much more can you people take?! This ludicrous 140-character limit is the pits and a half. Sure, it was all about SMS integration back when SMS was more than just a megaphone for your carrier to tell you you've used up all your 4G. Now, everybody uses Telegram or Messenger or WhatsApp or SnapChat or something. SMS wasn't the solution and Twitter sure as hell ain't doing anyone any favors by desperately clinging to that long dead horse. 

Oops! Your tweet is too long. You'll have to be more creative.

That's just a cop out. Grow up, Twitter! You figured it out for DMs, now do it for regular tweets. You don't have to open the floodgates, just make the limit 500 or something. 140 is insane!