I'm done with Microsoft Windows

As of May 31st, 2024 when Microsoft announced Windows Recall, I have a single physical machine, and no virtual machines, with any version of Windows installed and that will not be changing as long as Microsoft remains on the path they're forged for themselves. The one machine which has Windows 10 is a Dell Venue 8 Pro which needs a dongle to install another operating system, and I need to find the dongle. Once I find the dongle, Windows is gone, gone, gone. Why would I go through so much trouble getting rid of Windows?

Mastering the macOS Menu Bar

I came across the following article on Apple Insider a few days ago and was initially enthused. I'd recently written a quick guide to a freeware tool for the Mac called Spaced and was hoping to find some more gems to get my menu bar under even more control. It turned out to be little more than an advertisement for Bartender, a paid app.

So, I've decided to write my own guide instead and this post has no paid anything. It's all freeware.

Daily Nothing - A convertible MacBook for Vision Pro, Apple upgrades the MacBook Air, NASA does something unexpected, and more

I'm likely going to have difficulty quickly explaining this, but the creator calls it the MacPad. After trying various solutions in an attempt to make a more functional single-computer setup to support his Vision Pro, Federico Viticci finally settled on an astonishingly thoughtful combination of a headless MacBook Air, a magnetically mounted iPad Pro, and his Vision Pro headset. In docked mode, it works much like a regular MacBook Air, but when the iPad Pro is detached Federico can use it as intended or set it aside and put on his Vision Pro with the headless MacBook Air resting lightly on his lap. Mr. Viticci has posted a comprehensive blog post on his thought process and how he went about solving his problem. 

Daily Nothing - Switch 2 specification speculation, some anime from the 80's, an HP printer warning, and more...

After seven years of insanely strong Nintendo Switch sales that have placed the hybrid console into the upper echelons of all-time-biggest-sellers, it's time for The House of Mario to drop a new system on it's rabidly loyal fans. Initial word was that it would come this year, but soon after that time-frame was moved out to 2025. Now, YouTube's Moore's Law is Dead offers a discussion about leaks regarding what might power the new device. 

Save The Web: Advanced Dollarnomics

In the first part of this series I started last year, I spoke about the idea of Dollarnomics, describing it in some detail. If you want to get the basics of the concept, then you should go read that first. It’s not a long piece and I’ve linked it below. I do outline a few ideas there, but there needs to be some additional context so that you might fully understand the power that I believe resides both in the $1 bill and in the people who are tired of always being on the bottom of the economy, even if you only have a few million dollars in the bank, an amount that is nowhere near as comforting as it was a decade or two ago.

Capitalist schmutz in orbit screws over astronomers

Remember when Elon Musk said that orbital internet wasn't going to interfere with astronomical study? Yeah, so do I. Seems like that was yet another of Musk's 'mischaracterizations' he's become so famous for, like the one's he vomited out regarding AutoPilot and his Twitter 'acquisition'. #elonmusk #astronomy #spacejunk https://www.salon.com/2024/02/13/an-astronomers-lament-satellite-megaconstellations-are-ruining-space-exploration_partner/

Broadcom axes VMware ESXi freeware hypervisor

This sucks ass. Known as a bare-metal hypervisor, ESXi is a tiny operating system that allows you to partition a PC into multiple discreet virtual machines without the overhead of a host operating system (i.e., Parallels on macOS). Now, Broadcom is killing it so if you want to use it, you'll need to pay. So much for small home labs. #capitalism #vmware #technology https://tech.slashdot.org/story/24/02/12/1816248/broadcom-ends-support-for-free-esxi-vmware-hypervisor