Watchmen Chapter I, a review

Series art for Chapter I featuring (Left to Right) The Comedian, Dr. Manhattan, Ozymandius, Rorschach, Silk Spectre II, and Nite Owl II.

What can I say about Watchmen that hasn’t already been said… is what I would say if DC hadn’t just released the first part of an animated two part adaptation of what is considered one of the finest comic books of all time. But let’s talk about the comic book first.

Released as a 12-issue limited series in 1986 and rendered into a trade paperback combining all twelve issues in 1987, the creation of writer Alan Moore, artist Dave Gibbons, and colored by John Higgins, Watchmen was a critical and commercial success and has remained so since its release. It would win a Hugo Award in 1988 and be added to Time Magazine’s 100 All-Time Best Novels list.

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Orange County California Supervisor allegedly funneled millions to daughter's non-profit

Orange County California Supervisor Andrew Do, accused of fraudulently directing millions of COVID-19 relief fund dollars to a non-profit that employs his daughter and subsequently used for personal expenses.

We spend a lot of time focusing on the National elections. There’s nothing wrong with this, but this singular gaze has, for years now, been shifting our attention from local issues to the National stage, and we do so to our civic peril. Over and over again we see so-called politicians leveraging public office for personal gain, regardless of party affiliation. Stay awake. Keep your head on a swivel. #uspol #localpolitics #california #corruption

“Orange County Supervisors Katrina Foley and Vicente Sarmiento are calling for Supervisor Andrew Do to resign Wednesday as authorities investigate allegations of fraudulent spending of COVID-19 relief funds by a nonprofit that employed Do’s daughter.”

“Earlier this month, the county sued the Viet America Society and its President Peter Pham, alleging misappropriation of millions of dollars of pandemic relief earmarked for delivery of meals to needy residents. The Hand to Hand Relief organization, which subcontracted with Viet America Society, was also sued.”

Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter deemed among worst deals of all time “Seven banks loaned Elon Musk money totaling $13 billion in 2022 to help him buy Twitter, now known by the obnoxiously generic name X … the [Wall Street] Journal explains that this wasn’t just one of the worst deals since 2008, it’s one of the worst deals of all time.”

Over the years I have offered many examples of why he’s an idiot. This one takes the cake. #elonmusk #tesla #twitter #xitter #finance…

Ancient Roman sarcophagus discovered being used as a bar in Black Sea resort

Apparently it’s illegal to own historical artifacts in Bulgaria. Not a bad idea, to be honest. Such artifacts are snapshots of the rich history of humanity on our lone planet thriving with life in the solar system. It sucks that certain peeps are allowed to develop their own private collections. While I believe that in this case it was likely inadvertent, there are many more who selfishly or for investment purposes collect these items. Additionally, there is now more talk about presevation of cultural heritage going on now in Bulgaria. #history [SOURCE]

America's legal system at work... for Billionaires

You know what’s great about #sarcasm? It’s hilarious and it allows us to laugh at terrible things being done by terrible people for terribly stupid reasons. The Legal Eagle seems to agree… or concur or however lawyers prefer to say it. In that spirit, isn’t it also great that America lets geniuses like #ElonMusk take steps to force silly advertisers unwilling to be associated with Hitler and Nazis to pay #Xitter to advertise again? This is, after all, the AmeriKKKan way!