I’ve decided that I’m going to mostly excising #uspol from my online discourse. As a humanist who actually cares about other people and knows evil from good, I’m simply exhausted with it all, cannot and will not tolerate #TFG, and already have enough issues to deal with in daily life as it is. I will continue to vote and participate in civics in my personal life, at least as much as our new monarch allows, but I’m done commenting on it all now. #sotired

I thought I’d offer a few final thoughts before we move into the Era of Trump.

If you think #TFG is just going to deport millions of illegal immigrants you are missing one terrible point; who’s going to do all the jobs Americans won’t? Where do you think all the food is going to come from? I don’t believe slavery is off the table.

If you think he’s going to only deport illegals, be prepared. If you aren’t white and loyal to #TFG, your number will come up. #FascistAmerica

Goodnight, America. It was nice knowing you. #FuckAllFascists

I feel like I’m going to be sick. While the #election isn’t done yet and there are still more votes to count, it’s looking more and more likely that #TFG will win. He’s a #liar, a #fraud, a #rapist, a #conman, a #racist, and possibly a #pedophile, and he and millions of Americans know it, but they do not care. All he and they care about is the win and control.

Be prepared for the end of the great experiment. It will come. We warned you. He wins, we’re fucked.

I’ve been eagerly awaiting the arrival of Invincible Fight Girl on #CartoonNetwork ever since I first heard about it earlier this year, and now the first episode of available on #YouTube! Check it out!! #animation #InvincibleFightGirl www.youtube.com/watch

Mark my words, #TFG’s numbers will keep dropping and #HarrisWalz will keep going up. Not at the same rate, mind you. Slowly for The Dumpster Fire in Chief and the plateau as his base is just that weird, but steadily for the NKOTB. And The Bestest Florida Man is spiraling, badly. I can’t say there won’t be violence, but we need to be prepared for anything. #uspol #harriswalz2024 #voteblue boingboing.net/2024/08/0…

The amount of free space in the Mini is a rather egregious waste of case materials and I can easily see #Apple being unwilling to continue to waste resources on manufacturing an unnecessarily large part. #tech #rumor www.macrumors.com/2024/08/0…

This bizarre trend of taking successful #TV and #film properties and creating #stage and #musical versions is annoying. #Japan is on a huge binge of this very thing, putting all manner of #manga and #anime on stage. I guess I’d have to see it, or is this the death of creativity? #media www.engadget.com/entertain…

I think it’s really, really important to understand one thing about #TFG; #Trump projects. He’s clearly unstable and he explains to everyone how unstable he is by projecting his faults and fears and issues onto others, in this instance, #Biden, #Harris, and #Walz. If he’s not projecting, he just makes up shit about them, like Harris being the “Border Czar”, a role she has never held. I’m sure he just like’s using a Russian term for her since he’s so deep into #Putin’s pocket he can’t see daylight.

The only reason you would vote for this guy at this point is if you want to destroy American democracy and see a terrifying number of people harmed, jailed. and/or killed. #harriswalz2024 #uspol boingboing.net/2024/08/0…

Well, well, well. Here we are. Another platform, and not for lack of trying to stick one out for a long time. I started with PHPsomething-or-other, migrated to WordPress for years, latched onto PostHaven, then Medium, and now back to PostHaven. Now I’m here because PostHaven feels stagnant. Whee.