tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:/posts Tyler Knows Nothing 2024-06-29T17:28:07Z Tyler K. Nothing tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2119490 2024-06-27T20:10:01Z 2024-06-29T17:28:07Z I'm done with Microsoft Windows

As of May 31st, 2024 when Microsoft announced Windows Recall, I have a single physical machine, and no virtual machines, with any version of Windows installed and that will not be changing as long as Microsoft remains on the path they're forged for themselves. The one machine which has Windows 10 is a Dell Venue 8 Pro which needs a dongle to install another operating system, and I need to find the dongle. Once I find the dongle, Windows is gone, gone, gone. Why would I go through so much trouble getting rid of Windows?

Tyler Regas
tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2110904 2024-05-20T03:36:35Z 2024-05-20T04:15:24Z Mastering the macOS Menu Bar

I came across the following article on Apple Insider a few days ago and was initially enthused. I'd recently written a quick guide to a freeware tool for the Mac called Spaced and was hoping to find some more gems to get my menu bar under even more control. It turned out to be little more than an advertisement for Bartender, a paid app.

So, I've decided to write my own guide instead and this post has no paid anything. It's all freeware.

Tyler Regas
tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2106769 2024-04-29T21:43:45Z 2024-06-24T21:18:34Z Spaced | macOS Freeware

I was a Bartender user for a few years. It was quite nice to get a handle on my Mac's menubar. But I was paying $10 a month for SetApp and access to their library of around 240 applications and utilities. I could have purchased Bartender for $16 instead, but I didn't. I paid SetApp $240 for two years to end up using about six apps. 

That's not a value in my book.

Tyler Regas
tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2094515 2024-03-05T07:31:01Z 2024-03-05T07:31:26Z Daily Nothing - A convertible MacBook for Vision Pro, Apple upgrades the MacBook Air, NASA does something unexpected, and more

I'm likely going to have difficulty quickly explaining this, but the creator calls it the MacPad. After trying various solutions in an attempt to make a more functional single-computer setup to support his Vision Pro, Federico Viticci finally settled on an astonishingly thoughtful combination of a headless MacBook Air, a magnetically mounted iPad Pro, and his Vision Pro headset. In docked mode, it works much like a regular MacBook Air, but when the iPad Pro is detached Federico can use it as intended or set it aside and put on his Vision Pro with the headless MacBook Air resting lightly on his lap. Mr. Viticci has posted a comprehensive blog post on his thought process and how he went about solving his problem. 

Tyler Regas
tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2094156 2024-03-04T02:03:46Z 2024-03-30T20:43:39Z Daily Nothing - Switch 2 specification speculation, some anime from the 80's, an HP printer warning, and more... After seven years of insanely strong Nintendo Switch sales that have placed the hybrid console into the upper echelons of all-time-biggest-sellers, it's time for The House of Mario to drop a new system on it's rabidly loyal fans. Initial word was that it would come this year, but soon after that time-frame was moved out to 2025. Now, YouTube's Moore's Law is Dead offers a discussion about leaks regarding what might power the new device. ]]> Tyler Regas tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2093183 2024-02-27T21:47:23Z 2024-03-04T02:14:59Z Save The Web: Advanced Dollarnomics

In the first part of this series I started last year, I spoke about the idea of Dollarnomics, describing it in some detail. If you want to get the basics of the concept, then you should go read that first. It’s not a long piece and I’ve linked it below. I do outline a few ideas there, but there needs to be some additional context so that you might fully understand the power that I believe resides both in the $1 bill and in the people who are tired of always being on the bottom of the economy, even if you only have a few million dollars in the bank, an amount that is nowhere near as comforting as it was a decade or two ago.

Tyler Regas
tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2088569 2024-02-13T16:54:00Z 2024-02-13T16:54:01Z Capitalist schmutz in orbit screws over astronomers

Remember when Elon Musk said that orbital internet wasn't going to interfere with astronomical study? Yeah, so do I. Seems like that was yet another of Musk's 'mischaracterizations' he's become so famous for, like the one's he vomited out regarding AutoPilot and his Twitter 'acquisition'. #elonmusk #astronomy #spacejunk https://www.salon.com/2024/02/13/an-astronomers-lament-satellite-megaconstellations-are-ruining-space-exploration_partner/

Tyler Regas
tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2088445 2024-02-13T04:52:17Z 2024-02-13T04:53:37Z Broadcom axes VMware ESXi freeware hypervisor

This sucks ass. Known as a bare-metal hypervisor, ESXi is a tiny operating system that allows you to partition a PC into multiple discreet virtual machines without the overhead of a host operating system (i.e., Parallels on macOS). Now, Broadcom is killing it so if you want to use it, you'll need to pay. So much for small home labs. #capitalism #vmware #technology https://tech.slashdot.org/story/24/02/12/1816248/broadcom-ends-support-for-free-esxi-vmware-hypervisor

Tyler Regas
tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2088420 2024-02-13T02:41:57Z 2024-03-04T15:45:14Z A.I. isn't artificially intelligent. It's just machine learning with a PR spin...

Oh, the woes visited upon we poor folk by those who wield the cosmic powers of Public Relations. Think back to the last time you were legitimately impressed by an advertisement to buy a product. With all the ads you see, you'd think that they'd be good enough to convince people to just try a product, but most of us use commercial breaks to get a snack or pee. So, the tl;dr is that the reason AI ads suck is because AI isn't intelligent. It neither understands the content being shoveled into it nor the relationships between them, in all their glorious, chaotic combinations. The human experience cannot be replicated by some code. At least not yet. #ai #superbowl @advertising https://arstechnica.com/?p=2002656

Tyler Regas
tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2087792 2024-02-11T22:37:25Z 2024-02-11T22:37:25Z It'd be a shame if something bad were to happen to your nice country...

Let me get this straight... At a rally in South Carolina Trump outlined a classic Mafia-style protection racket around one of this favorite subjects of hate; NATO. If they don't pay, America won't intercede to protect NATO members if, say, Putin wanted to put boots on the ground in said NATO countries, sovereignty be damned. Hell, NATO be damed. Since, of course, Putin hates NATO as it stands in the way of his dreams of expanding his criminal empire. #trump #NATO #putin https://boingboing.net/2024/02/11/trump-offers-putin-europe-meanwhile-the-media-is-focused-on-biden-forgetting-a-name.html

Tyler Regas
tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2087786 2024-02-11T22:22:02Z 2024-02-11T22:22:02Z Can a kitchen sink be entered into evidence?

Musk facing consequences for his fluid definition of responsibility? That would be novel! #elonmusk #twitter #fuckaroundfindout https://www.engadget.com/court-orders-elon-musk-to-testify-in-the-secs-investigation-of-his-twitter-takeover-193303461.html

Tyler Regas
tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2087728 2024-02-11T18:37:01Z 2024-02-11T19:01:40Z Waking the Sleeping Giant

Trump is oh, so very wrong on oh, so many things, but one thing he's gotten right is that the voters should decide. Unfortunately, an enormous chunk of Americans who are eligible to vote do not. Why? Because nobody talks TO the poor, they just talk AROUND them. And Gerrymandering. And the dissection of the Voting Rights Act. It's time to wake the "Sleeping Giant". #election2024 #votingrights #politics https://www.salon.com/2024/02/11/can-americas-sleeping-giant-shake-up-the-election-lets-hope-so/

Tyler Regas
tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2087689 2024-02-11T16:51:29Z 2024-02-11T16:51:29Z Apple's Rhapsody OS on Intel and PowerPC with ActionRetro

Check out Sean's latest shenanigans with weird, old computers, and by weird I mean awesome! #vintagemac #apple #retro

Tyler Regas
tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2076868 2024-01-18T02:19:13Z 2024-01-18T02:19:13Z A writer's prayer

They always do the same thing, words. They hide away under the folds of my mind, deep in the shadows, keeping as silent as death. My ability to search for them is limited, so I try my best to shine light into those darkened box canyons of brain tissue, but words are not bound by the laws of physics and my feeble light is obscured by a thick fog. The multi-verse is popular these days, so I imagine that words exist in their own pocket universe and they can control when and where the two realities intersect, allowing me to access them again, but only for a short time.

I try to force myself to create new words when the ones I seek refuse my peace offerings and woeful cries for respite. This piece was born of that method. Here, now, I sit trying to push the words out of my mind and onto the page, but it is a painfully laborious process that taxes my attention and enthusiasm.

Enthusiasm. What even is that any more?

Tyler Regas
tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2075730 2024-01-15T16:44:35Z 2024-01-15T16:44:35Z Get schooled on how to navigate Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Comedy Central offers us on this solemn day a guide on how to navigate MLK Day. Take a few moments to view this, then reflect on the fact that Donald J. Trump is running for President in 2024 to save his ass from being an "alleged" criminal in pretty much everything he's ever done. Oh, and to become the Dear Leader of a new dawning of the White Supremacy Movement in this country that was built on the enslavement of Black bodies, hearts, and souls, stolen from their homes, and sold as chattel, and treated like animals. Shockingly little progress has been made since his assassination.

So, maybe not the best day to throw a rave or BBQ party, but definitely a day to remind ourselves what MLK actually spoke to; real justice for the oppressed.

PS: Go check out RimaRegas.com for more on social and civil rights. I know her. She's awesome and gets most of her traffic from MLK-related searches.

Tyler Regas
tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2070845 2024-01-05T00:10:22Z 2024-01-12T06:23:22Z Harmful plastics in our food? Fantastic...
I don't know what to say about this other than "Not surprising." Here's a brief excerpt:

According to new research from Consumer Reports, phthalates and bisphenols -- two chemicals linked to various health risks such as diabetes and hormone disruption -- are "widespread" among supermarket staples and fast foods, regardless of their packaging and ingredients and whether or not they are certified organic.

Researchers found that 99% of the supermarket and fast foods they tested contained phthalates, also known as plasticizers, which are chemicals that are added to plastics to make them more flexible. In addition, 79% of the food samples contained bisphenol A (BPA), an industrial chemical used in plastic manufacturing, and other bisphenols. Both chemicals have been found in studies to be hazardous to health.

Isn't this wonderful? The promise of the future! If it doesn't come across in the text, I'm being sarcastic. Read the article in full at Consumer Reports.


If you enjoyed what you just read and would like to support be for $1 a month, click here for my Ko-Fi page.

Tyler Regas
tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2070458 2024-01-04T17:25:08Z 2024-01-12T06:23:40Z Work arounds because Twitter sucks
Since Felon Musk has destroyed Twitter, I'm just going to blog a bit like it's Twitter. I blog on PostHaven, which is a wonderful blogging service you should definitely check out if you hate the Technogarchy, would like to adhere to a reasonable budget, and appreciate actual ethics. Here's a short list of the tools I'm using to achieve something of a social media presence:
Tyler Regas
tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2067897 2023-12-29T01:49:23Z 2024-01-12T06:23:55Z Apple's Notes cannot be exported, and that's wrong...

Ok, this is annoying. Apple Notes is a wonderfully capable notes app that allows you to bulk import all manner of rich text file formats, even entire Evernote exports, and organize them the way you like... with one exception. If you want to stop using Notes, you have to leave everything you created in Notes behind, or export them one by one.

I have over 300 notes.

This is not only annoying but terribly wrong of Apple. I shouldn't have to explain why. I didn't spend a few thousand dollars on Apple gear to lose control over the data I create. I have personal notes, drafts of articles, detailed project concepts, musings, recipes for loads of gluten-free foods, and a bunch more categories. And now that I'm not using Apple Notes anymore... er. No. That's not right. Now that I don't use Apple Notes anymore I am forced to keep it around in order to retain all that material I generated or saved from various web pages.

I am now using Drafts ($20/year on the App Store), also known as Drafts 5 for iOS and iPad, which has been around for a very long time, from what I understand. Using the app, I can see why. It's a powerfully fast and capable notes capturing tool that allows me to create a new note with a simple keystroke so I don't lose the bright spots of inspiration that, today, seem to fritter away all too quickly. In a 24-hour period I've already created thirteen notes with over 2,000 words combined.

There is, however, nothing I can do about all the notes I have in Apple Notes since the damnable thing won't let me grab them all wholesale. If I can offer any advice, it would be to not engage Apple's Notes app for any reason because if at any point you need to get them out, you will not be able to do so without spending a load of personal time exporting them to PDF... the only export option. 

Unacceptable, Apple. Unacceptable.


If you enjoyed what you just read and would like to support be for $1 a month, click here for my Ko-Fi page.

Tyler Regas
tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2062880 2023-12-24T23:32:18Z 2024-01-12T06:21:08Z How J.J. Abrams broke Star Trek
Star Trek: The Next Generation 30th Anniversary Print by Dusty Abell, Copyright © 2017, Roddenberry Entertainment Inc. Reprinted with permission. All Rights Reserved. Dusty Abell is a comic artist who has pencilled countless comic books, is an illustrator, and has been involved in the animation industry as a character designer since 2000. He has worked on productions such as Batman: Return of the Caped Crusader, Batman vs. Two-Face, Young Justice, Mike Tyson Mysteries, King of the Hill, The Official Handbook of the Invincible Universe for Robert Kirkman, the creator of The Walking Dead, and many, many others.

The first Star Trek television show, known colloquially as The Original Series, ran from 1966 to 1969. The series, produced by Paramount Television and both commissioned by and broadcast on NBC, had its moments with episodes that broke critical new ground, like the first inter-racial kisses in Season 1’s introduction to Khan Noonien-Singh, “Space Seed,” and the more frequently cited kiss between Kirk and Uhura in Season 3 episode “Plato’s Stepchildren.”

]]> Tyler Regas tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2065152 2023-12-22T01:41:20Z 2024-01-12T06:24:09Z Life after the death of Twitter...

So. Elon Musk happened. Kinda fun, I suppose, in an existential threat kinda way. I, however, prefer to keep things a tad less... megalomaniacal? As such, I've decided to migrate out of the "mainstream" and into something more comfortable; Mastodon. Obviously.

Now, I'm testing to make sure posting through IFTTT will work correctly. I blog on PostHaven (https://tylerknowsnothing.com) and am terrible at engaging with social media, so this is a necessary element for the exposure of my writings. 


If you enjoyed what you just read and would like to support be for $1 a month, click here for my Ko-Fi page.

Tyler Regas
tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2062891 2023-12-15T04:22:17Z 2024-01-12T06:38:53Z Medium's stats are broken, so I left...

This is my stats page. This is not helpful.

Much like today’s other causes of cultural constipation such as race relations, government, cold medications, etc., etc., ad nauseam, the page you see above appears functional, but is not.

Tyler Regas
tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2062889 2023-12-15T04:17:36Z 2023-12-15T23:38:18Z Apple's Butterfly keyboard tragedy & potential e-waste disaster

Without official unit sales numbers from Apple, we have no idea how many hundreds of thousands of these machines are in the wild.

I am a life-long fan of Apple. Born in ‘68, I grew up in the thick of the consumer electronics and personal computer boom of the late 70's. Keeping to myself at times, loudly evangelistic at others, a shame-free Mac Ex-pat, reluctant Windows user for a decade, and always the staunch critic, my fandom runs deep. From my early experiences with Apple ][e machines, to all of the Macs I’ve had since, and arriving at now with the two Mac Minis on my desk, one an M1 and the other a last-gen Intel model, I have had my most satisfying and productive years on Macs.

Fortunate for me that I missed Apple’s Butterfly Keyboard era, then.

]]> Tyler Regas tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2062886 2023-12-15T04:12:14Z 2024-01-12T06:39:39Z Advertising is dead. Please flush on your way out…

Ads are almost literally everywhere.

It is rare, but every once in a while I presume to speak for everyone. It’s not like this is breaking news or a controversial hot-take, either. No need to sit down or get a stiff drink:

Nobody, but NOBODY likes advertisements… except ad people.

Tyler Regas
tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2062885 2023-12-15T04:06:59Z 2024-01-12T06:40:01Z I don't like my mechanical keyboard

The Keychron K5 SE Low-Profile Mechanical Keyboard is anything but low profile. It’s also a clicky, sloppy, error-prone mess for a writer who taught himself to touch type using his own system.


Tyler Regas
tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2062882 2023-12-15T04:01:18Z 2023-12-15T23:39:04Z It’s time to open source MacOS 9: An Open Letter to Tim Cook
The now legendary 
Mac OS 9 desktop, a refinement of what came before and the influence for today’s macOS releases. Even to this day, untold thousands, likely tens of thousands, classic Mac OS machines are being used & loved, traded & developed for. [SOURCE: Wikimedia Commons]

Dear Tim,

How’ve you been? Good, I hope. I’ve been watching Apple’s events and your production quality is just top notch. Serious kudos to your production team. Gotta love those drone shots and slick transitions :) I’ve also been tracking the transition to Apple Silicon and I’ve been impressed. I got myself an M1 Mini that I’ve very pleased with, so much so I bought one for my wife.

Tyler Regas
tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2062881 2023-12-15T03:55:53Z 2023-12-15T23:45:27Z Accelerationism is stupid

If you think Musk is going to get you to Mars, just check out how he’s been managing Twitter… er, X. This guy’s no genius. Don’t be fooled. Yes, this was made with some dumb AI thing I found.

A conversation I had with a friend of mine. In addition, the term "Longtermism" has been replaced with Accelerationism. I've updated this piece with some more context at the end.

Tyler Regas
tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2062877 2023-12-15T03:46:32Z 2023-12-15T23:45:58Z I need a coder … to help me try to save the world.

Photo by Marten Newhall on Unsplash

Well, at least the internet…

Okay, maybe some people. I think it’s clear that one cannot make simple proclamations without applying major caveats, so I won’t. I honestly have no idea whether or not my concepts will benefit humanity at all, but I’m can’t-code-myself-out-of-a-paper-bag levels of confident.

Tyler Regas
tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2062878 2023-12-15T03:30:26Z 2023-12-15T23:46:34Z Saving the Internet for Humanity: Dollarnomics 101

Or not…

The Internet of 2023 sucks.

Every site, every service, every entree and every destination on the modern Web of today is controlled by corporations. Blood and treasure is expended, our personal data and real money is hoovered up to feed bottomless C-suite salaries…

While the World Wide Web may be comprised of an endless cavalcade of corporate entities vying for ultimate control, there remains a much, much larger contingent that has yet to stand up and take it’s own power: we average peeps.

Tyler Regas
tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2062875 2023-12-15T03:16:37Z 2023-12-15T23:46:54Z A short horse tale | Short Fiction

MERRY FREAKIN’ CHRISTMAS, that’s craaaaaaaazy lookin’! Photo by Mikael Kristenson on Unsplash

One day long ago, a horse I was fond of came to me and bit my arm, breaking the skin.

As blood seeped from the wound I asked, “Why did you bite me.”

The stallion shook its proud head, stamped its powerful hooves, and whinnied, “Because I can, small human.”

]]> Tyler Regas tag:tylerknowsnothing.com,2013:Post/2062874 2023-12-15T03:13:14Z 2023-12-15T23:47:33Z “Picking yourself up by your own bootstraps” is stupid.

If this were even remotely possible, people would be flying off into space willy nilly. I think, I’m not a scientist. Photo by Nik on Unsplash

What even are bootstraps? I’ll keep this brief. I’m particularly fond of this tidy explainer from Etymonline, a language etymology website:

bootstrap (n.)
also boot-strap, tab or loop at the back of the top of a men’s boot, which the wearer hooked a finger through to pull the boots on, 1870, from boot (n.1) + strap (n.).
To pull (oneself) up by (one’s) bootstraps, by 1871, was used figuratively of an impossible task (among the “practical questions” at the end of chapter one of Steele’s “Popular Physics” schoolbook (1888) is, “30. Why can not a man lift himself by pulling up on his boot-straps?”). But it also is used to suggest “better oneself by rigorous, unaided effort.” The meaning “fixed sequence of instructions to load the operating system of a computer” (1953) is from the notion of the first-loaded program pulling itself (and the rest) up by the bootstrap. It was used earlier of electrical circuits (1946).
]]> Tyler Regas