@adam Spot on, Adam... but not really. Not at all, TBH. I was being sarcastic. I thought you might get that, but it's clear I was wrong. You're tilting at windmills. One guy on Xitter who likes space science and tech is nothing to flip a lid over and isn't fighting fascism. Do go after the politicians and their civilian sycophants and the oligarchs and the kakistocracy, but expending as much energy as you have on this thread alone will ultimately go nowhere, and peeps are going to call you out on that. Sure, you'll get some support because it sounds like you're being strong and moral and right, but what's the end goal here? To shame one space nerd who still uses Xitter? Yeah. I don't think you're going to win democracy, so I'm suggesting you find another, more impactful hill to risk life and limb on. -Peace.