Work arounds because Twitter sucks

Since Felon Musk has destroyed Twitter, I'm just going to blog a bit like it's Twitter. I blog on PostHaven, which is a wonderful blogging service you should definitely check out if you hate the Technogarchy, would like to adhere to a reasonable budget, and appreciate actual ethics. Here's a short list of the tools I'm using to achieve something of a social media presence:

Life after the death of Twitter...

So. Elon Musk happened. Kinda fun, I suppose, in an existential threat kinda way. I, however, prefer to keep things a tad less... megalomaniacal? As such, I've decided to migrate out of the "mainstream" and into something more comfortable; Mastodon. Obviously.

Now, I'm testing to make sure posting through IFTTT will work correctly. I blog on PostHaven ( and am terrible at engaging with social media, so this is a necessary element for the exposure of my writings. 


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