Outlook Junkmail Arrives Flagged ... By Spammers

I’ve been having a problem lately. It’s not an enormous issue, but it bothers me. As you have likely already gleaned, I am receiving junk mail in my Outlook.com account which is already flagged, like so:

An example of a pre-flagged spam message.

I don’t think most people have noticed it for a couple reasons:

  • I don’t think a lot of users flag their emails unless they are using the desktop version.
  • Flagging is a visual cue that has only recently started to become a component of organization tools, i.e., Microsoft To Do.

Outlook.com, however, is an interesting beast; at once the best damned email client on the planet while being rather terrible at handling spam… sorta. I’ll get to the best part in a sec, but Google’s Gmail is far better at filtering spam.