If you think Musk is going to get you to Mars, just check out how he’s been managing Twitter… er, X. This guy’s no genius. Don’t be fooled. Yes, this was made with some dumb AI thing I found.

A conversation I had with a friend of mine. In addition, the term "Longtermism" has been replaced with Accelerationism. I've updated this piece with some more context at the end.

> Bryan:
Late night realizations and insights. I’m afraid that, on my deathbed, I’m going to realize that nobody ever helped me live, they just helped me die.
No, I’m not suicidal or wanting to die or anything. But I can only imagine that if I ever end up in a hospice and I know I’m going to die, and a kind nurse dispenses me with a lethal dose of morphine — or more likely — fentanyl — that’s all I can think of. No one ever helped me truly live. They just helped me literally die. And that’s sad.

> Tyler:
It sucks, don’t it. But I suggest that it could be a real positive for you. The awareness of just how infinitesimally insignificant we are in the universe, the fact that we exist for the blink of a cosmic eye, is liberating. It’s a component of how I liberated myself from having to know everything, an impossibility.

> Bryan:
Hmmm interesting point

> Tyler:
Of course, that doesn’t do shit for my depression of my panoply of physical and systemological issues.

> Tyler:
So, making a breakthrough in one area doesn’t necessarily mean movement in another.

> Bryan:

> Tyler:
Kudos for that, but sorry it doesn’t make things much better.

> Bryan:
Well it is what it is

> Tyler:
There are so many randomly occurring confrontational forces pushing and pulling at everything around us that there’s no logical reason to put blame on ourselves, but it also doesn’t free us to eliminate these blockades to our advancement in life.

> Tyler:
To compensate, we need quality, premium social reconstruction, dooooood.

> Bryan:
How’s that going to happen?

> Tyler:
A metric fucktonne of people have to have started acting a decade or more ago to all converge on this time in the mid-2020’s to start. Then an imperial shitton of also good people to do the right things now, over and over, millions of iterations over years and years, to chip away at the rot of Final-Stage Capitalism.

> Bryan:
🖼 Let’s hope. I just saw this. It doesn’t make me feel hopeful. https://ffcs.info/sdgs-interpreted

> Tyler:
For hope, that means projects like alternative energy systems, battery technologies, and advancements in low-cost, high-performance computing combined with exhaustive restructuring of social programs in the US, Canada, and Mexico with a significant focus on controlling asshole rich idiots.

> Bryan:
Yes. But they seem to call the shots.

> Tyler:
Therein lies the rub.

> Tyler:
Nowhere near enough people are out marching.

> Tyler:
Too many people are online and happy like fat little pigs. Myself included.

> Tyler:
Blame the Capitalismisation of the open internet, at least in part.

> Tyler:
Also non-standard sporks.

> Bryan:
Sick of being manipulated and lied to

> Tyler:
I feel yah.

> Bryan:
That’s another reason I’ve been paying attention to theories about covid and lockdown and everything else. I think there’s a bigger manipulation going on.

> Tyler:
Oh, you’re not wrong. I think that the pitfall is thinking that there’s some shadow council or evil geniuses coordinating. It’d be easier if it was. No, instead we have to deal with an ever-growing number of adult-babies with far too much money, power, and smooth brain specialness.

> Tyler:
And by geniuses I mean idiots.

> Tyler:
They feel they can explain away all suffering by forming man-baby Chad Clubs where they can talk about saving the humanity of 10,000 years from now. All that says is they don’t think the humanity of now is worth their time or resources. Which also means that they think they own the Earth and all it holds.

> Tyler:
So, take that as you will.

Some additional context...