Orange County California Supervisor Andrew Do, accused of fraudulently directing millions of COVID-19 relief fund dollars to a non-profit that employs his daughter and subsequently used for personal expenses.

We spend a lot of time focusing on the National elections. There’s nothing wrong with this, but this singular gaze has, for years now, been shifting our attention from local issues to the National stage, and we do so to our civic peril. Over and over again we see so-called politicians leveraging public office for personal gain, regardless of party affiliation. Stay awake. Keep your head on a swivel. #uspol #localpolitics #california #corruption

“Orange County Supervisors Katrina Foley and Vicente Sarmiento are calling for Supervisor Andrew Do to resign Wednesday as authorities investigate allegations of fraudulent spending of COVID-19 relief funds by a nonprofit that employed Do’s daughter.”

“Earlier this month, the county sued the Viet America Society and its President Peter Pham, alleging misappropriation of millions of dollars of pandemic relief earmarked for delivery of meals to needy residents. The Hand to Hand Relief organization, which subcontracted with Viet America Society, was also sued.”