Potential actual Switch 2 joycon images leaked?
First, watch the linked video to get the scope of the leaks so far, if you haven’t been tracking them already: www.youtube.com/watch #videogames #nintendo #switch2 #leaks
If that is a PLUS button on the tablet side, that “button” looking thing on the top of the S2 Joycon could just be a lever to actuate it when the Joycon is connected. There may be added functionality for using the tablet without the Joycons which the PLUS and MINUS buttons could facilitate.
The ovoid next to the right shoulder button could just be a cover for an access screw. Another leaker mentioned that the shoulder buttons were the actual magnets? If so, then the slot/tab arrangement is likely a physical connector.
As for the source of the leaks, it could be Nintendo themselves who have authorized or sanctioned or even provided the leaks to the “leakers”, considering it’s been getting loads of press coverage leading up to CES next week.
They could be taking the tack that since everyone already knows about it, why not leak the hardware in bits and pieces, let peeps speculate as much as they like, and drive the 24/7 news cycle. It would certainly be an interesting marketing scheme that has, so far, cost them nothing.
Whatever happens, whenever that is, it’s going to be interesting on a number of levels. There are plenty of specifics remaining for Nintendo to clarify. I personally don’t think that this coverage or these leaks have hurt them. They’ve only helped them. The transition to a new console is typically a minefield for console makers. Just ask Microsoft about their botched Xbox One roll out.
The Switch is the 3rd best selling video game console of all time, so far, with 146 million units at last reporting. In 2nd place is their own DS portable with 154 million. In first place is Sony with the Playstation 2, meaning Nintendo is essentially first among modern consoles, as Sony’s Playstation 4 still wasn’t able to beat the 4th place finisher, Nintendo’s Game Boy and Game Boy Color handhelds. (SOURCE: Wikipedia)
We’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we.