Broadcom axes VMware ESXi freeware hypervisor

This sucks ass. Known as a bare-metal hypervisor, ESXi is a tiny operating system that allows you to partition a PC into multiple discreet virtual machines without the overhead of a host operating system (i.e., Parallels on macOS). Now, Broadcom is killing it so if you want to use it, you'll need to pay. So much for small home labs. #capitalism #vmware #technology

A.I. isn't artificially intelligent. It's just machine learning with a PR spin...

Oh, the woes visited upon we poor folk by those who wield the cosmic powers of Public Relations. Think back to the last time you were legitimately impressed by an advertisement to buy a product. With all the ads you see, you'd think that they'd be good enough to convince people to just try a product, but most of us use commercial breaks to get a snack or pee. So, the tl;dr is that the reason AI ads suck is because AI isn't intelligent. It neither understands the content being shoveled into it nor the relationships between them, in all their glorious, chaotic combinations. The human experience cannot be replicated by some code. At least not yet. #ai #superbowl @advertising

It'd be a shame if something bad were to happen to your nice country...

Let me get this straight... At a rally in South Carolina Trump outlined a classic Mafia-style protection racket around one of this favorite subjects of hate; NATO. If they don't pay, America won't intercede to protect NATO members if, say, Putin wanted to put boots on the ground in said NATO countries, sovereignty be damned. Hell, NATO be damed. Since, of course, Putin hates NATO as it stands in the way of his dreams of expanding his criminal empire. #trump #NATO #putin

Waking the Sleeping Giant

Trump is oh, so very wrong on oh, so many things, but one thing he's gotten right is that the voters should decide. Unfortunately, an enormous chunk of Americans who are eligible to vote do not. Why? Because nobody talks TO the poor, they just talk AROUND them. And Gerrymandering. And the dissection of the Voting Rights Act. It's time to wake the "Sleeping Giant". #election2024 #votingrights #politics

A writer's prayer

They always do the same thing, words. They hide away under the folds of my mind, deep in the shadows, keeping as silent as death. My ability to search for them is limited, so I try my best to shine light into those darkened box canyons of brain tissue, but words are not bound by the laws of physics and my feeble light is obscured by a thick fog. The multi-verse is popular these days, so I imagine that words exist in their own pocket universe and they can control when and where the two realities intersect, allowing me to access them again, but only for a short time.

I try to force myself to create new words when the ones I seek refuse my peace offerings and woeful cries for respite. This piece was born of that method. Here, now, I sit trying to push the words out of my mind and onto the page, but it is a painfully laborious process that taxes my attention and enthusiasm.

Enthusiasm. What even is that any more?

Get schooled on how to navigate Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Comedy Central offers us on this solemn day a guide on how to navigate MLK Day. Take a few moments to view this, then reflect on the fact that Donald J. Trump is running for President in 2024 to save his ass from being an "alleged" criminal in pretty much everything he's ever done. Oh, and to become the Dear Leader of a new dawning of the White Supremacy Movement in this country that was built on the enslavement of Black bodies, hearts, and souls, stolen from their homes, and sold as chattel, and treated like animals. Shockingly little progress has been made since his assassination.

So, maybe not the best day to throw a rave or BBQ party, but definitely a day to remind ourselves what MLK actually spoke to; real justice for the oppressed.

PS: Go check out for more on social and civil rights. I know her. She's awesome and gets most of her traffic from MLK-related searches.