Russia's insane revisionist pulp fiction industry

If you question why the general population of #Russia supports the #war in #Ukraine there’s likely one fact you are unaware of. I certainly knew nothing about this, because it is one of the single most insane methods of #propaganda sponsored by any sovereign state I have ever seen. This is bat shit crazy on steroids, crossed with Cthulhu, and cloned into oblivion. If you know of something more ludicrous and insidious, do let me know. #youtube #video #culture #putin #insane…

Mark my words, #TFG’s numbers will keep dropping and #HarrisWalz will keep going up. Not at the same rate, mind you. Slowly for The Dumpster Fire in Chief and the plateau as his base is just that weird, but steadily for the NKOTB. And The Bestest Florida Man is spiraling, badly. I can’t say there won’t be violence, but we need to be prepared for anything. #uspol #harriswalz2024 #voteblue…

The amount of free space in the Mini is a rather egregious waste of case materials and I can easily see #Apple being unwilling to continue to waste resources on manufacturing an unnecessarily large part. #tech #rumor…

This bizarre trend of taking successful #TV and #film properties and creating #stage and #musical versions is annoying. #Japan is on a huge binge of this very thing, putting all manner of #manga and #anime on stage. I guess I’d have to see it, or is this the death of creativity? #media…

I think it’s really, really important to understand one thing about #TFG; #Trump projects. He’s clearly unstable and he explains to everyone how unstable he is by projecting his faults and fears and issues onto others, in this instance, #Biden, #Harris, and #Walz. If he’s not projecting, he just makes up shit about them, like Harris being the “Border Czar”, a role she has never held. I’m sure he just like’s using a Russian term for her since he’s so deep into #Putin’s pocket he can’t see daylight.

The only reason you would vote for this guy at this point is if you want to destroy American democracy and see a terrifying number of people harmed, jailed. and/or killed. #harriswalz2024 #uspol…