Daily Nothing - Switch 2 specification speculation, some anime from the 80's, an HP printer warning, and more...

After seven years of insanely strong Nintendo Switch sales that have placed the hybrid console into the upper echelons of all-time-biggest-sellers, it's time for The House of Mario to drop a new system on it's rabidly loyal fans. Initial word was that it would come this year, but soon after that time-frame was moved out to 2025. Now, YouTube's Moore's Law is Dead offers a discussion about leaks regarding what might power the new device. 

Anime and video games don't make people psychotic

Western societal ideals have always been broken when it comes to animated content. First, there is the core element that states when you are no longer a child you leave childish things behind and grow up. Adults aren't supposed to like the same things when they were children. Kids drink juice boxes. Adults drink coffee. Kids watch cartoons. Adults watch TV dramas. It's not okay to retain your childhood because that means you aren't responsible. This infects the entire scope of western animation production because it is a core principle that we perpetuate. If you liked Toy Story when you were a kid, it's only valid to look back on it with nostalgia as an adult or share it with your kids. Watching it alone, however, is deviant. Cartoons, after all, are for kids.

Adult animation is an alien concept to much of Western Society.