Things have been a tad muted so far, so let’s take a look at something absurd: The Acer Nitro Blaze 11, an 11" gaming handheld starting at $1100 🧐 I wonder how long it will take for them to go on fire sale? #WeirdCES #CES2025 #tech #videogames…

Well, this is good news. I believe my next graphics card will be an Intel ARC B-series. The B580 seems perfect for me, especially at $250… and that’s not a sale price. #tech #intel #videogames #hardware…

We don’t yet have #StarTrek style automatic doors for humans yet, but your dogs get them… AND RGB… starting at $500. Since it uses a Bluetooth dog tag, do you need to recharge your dog? #WeirdCES #CES2025 #tech #pets…

IT’S A DOOR HANDLE FOR $700!! I don’t care what it can do!! #WeirdCES #CES2025 #tech #capitalism…

Continuing the trend of #Capitalism bilking every vulnerable segment of society, Elvie’s new $800 automatic baby bassinet and baby bouncer is only supposed to last six months. Wow. #WeirdCES #CES2025 #tech…

It’s #CES time and that means one thing: bring on the weird. A company named “Aiper” has announced their $400 “IrriSense Smart Irrigation Sprinker” and I don’t care how smart it is as I will not spend $400 to water the lawn I don’t have. #WeirdCES #CES2025 #Xeriscape…

Potential actual Switch 2 joycon images leaked?

First, watch the linked video to get the scope of the leaks so far, if you haven’t been tracking them already: #videogames #nintendo #switch2 #leaks

I’ve never seen a video as compelling as this one, and I’m not even an #Adobe user, at least not any more. But it’s a lot more than about ditching Adobe, but leaving #Windows and rediscovering our technological #agency through #Linux and #opensource. #tech

For a time I was mad at #Microsoft for breaking their promise that #Windows10 would be the last #Windows, but then #Windows11 turned into a wet dream of #capitalism, bristling with ads, bloat, and AI features nobody wants while tracking users every move. Now ten months remain before MSFT pulls the plug on Windows 10 support, but 62.7% of all Windows users still use it. In fact, a number have ditched 11 to go back to 10. I’m bustin’ a gut over this. Just buy an #Apple #Mac. #tech #news…

Substack charging for "setting up" custom domain names you own is extortion

A webpage form prompts users to add a custom domain to their Substack account by entering credit card information and paying a $50 fee.

That sour, disappointed look flooded onto my wife’s face. She was upset. I asked her what was wrong, and she explained to me that her Wordpress stats weren’t working like they used to. I poked around and couldn’t find anything obviously amiss in the Jetpack plugin settings, so I told her it was likely a glitch and would clear up. About a week later I got the email.